What a great and interesting day ! I slept 7 hours without interruption in my small tent on the 60cm wide air bed.
Message to my sister : thanks for all the hints which you gave me for my bicycle tour especially the idea with the trailer – But: your prognosis that I will hate the camping life after 3 days and will stay in a hotel-this was wrong- I enjoy the simple camping life and the interesting conversations with camping neighbors. First step for a conversation starts with the question: “Do you have a hammer that I can prepare my tent.
This morning Andy went back by train to Stuttgart from Göttingen main station. We had a great time together and enjoyed the first 600km from Flensburg to Göttingen(F2G) and learned that Germany is a great country, but we would not like to live a every region.
As expected the tour today was very hilly, but from the landscape point of view one of the most beautiful areas – I know this since 50+ years and got the confirmation today.
Also the people where very flexible when I asked for restaurants or shops: “Sorry no shops, no restaurants this is a small village, but you get get a something private from me ” – good guys !!
After 135km and approx. 1300HM I arrived in Rotenburg/Fulda on a camping-ground direct on the river.
I had not ordered the cold beer which they served in front of the reception, but I said ” thank you for the nice arrangement ”
To Walter Pflüger : was nice to talk to you this evening by phone, and sorry that I forgot to inform you that I am close to your home and consequently I missed the Gyros which you promised ….
Ernst: sorry dass das mit dem Bier heute Abend nicht geklappt hat-ich war einfach zu schnell !
Rotenburg ist eine gute Ausgangsposition, denn ich kann morgen früh entspannt an der Fulda entlang radeln und brauche nicht gleich wieder die hessischen Mittelgebirge zu erklimmen. Danke für die guten Tipps und Ratschläge bezüglich der Tourenfúhrung- Sage bitte liebe Grüße an Ini
Super, die Mitte Deutschlands hast Du schon passiert. Mal sehen, was Du in den nächsten Tagen noch erlebst. Das Zelten scheint Dir jedenfalls richtig gut zu gefallen. Nicht, dass Du nach Deiner Tour nur noch Urlaub auf dem Camping-Platz machen möchtest … 🙁