After a very nice and relaxed night I started the day with a good breakfast and tried to convince this dog to pull my trailer but he (or she?)was lazy and so I had no other chance to continue like the other days.
Today it was the hard day, because the landscape becomes hilly and I learned what does it mean to carry a trailer and language with >23kg up to the top of the German medium size mountains. I expect the same plaque during the next days, because I will cross the area where I have been grown up and I know these bloody upswings very good.
However, we (Andy and I) made 93km today and stopped really early at 5:30 pm at a small and somehow special camp ground in Northeim which is close (23km) to Göttingen.
Andy will take the train back to Stuttgart from Göttingen tomorrow at lunch time.
In total the Garmin Navigator showed 575km today and this is in theory the half of the F2F tour.(I expect some more km due to the navigation mistakes)
Next goal is to defeat the “Kassler Berge” (the above mentioned bloody..) and to find a camping ground around Kassel , hopefully direct on the river. My father gave me this evening by phone some hints about the route and where I can find camp grounds.
(Danke für die guten Tips Ernst, ich studiere jetzt noch einmal die Karte um zu entscheiden ob Werra oder Fulda- falls ich in der Nähe bin melde ich mich und eventuell kommst Du mit 1..2 Bier vorbei)
Ilka please continue to translate for my parents – many thanks (I’ve a great family)
We finished the evening with a brilliant and delicious “Special Curry Wurst”(the famous German spicy sausage) Weizen Beer and a Hardenberger Schnaps (Schweine-Sprudel) and I am looking forward to get a good day and hopefully with relaxed legs tomorrow – CU \\Volker
Schön dich hier bei uns in der Nähe zu wissen. Matthias ist auch mit seiner Truppe Richtung Eisenach unterwegs. Viel Glück und Freude für dich auf deiner Fahrt nach Süden. Kleiner Tipp für Unterwegs: Immer ein Hundeleckerlie in der Tasche! LG